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PinpoRNA probe set
PinpoRNA probes are available in a variety of types, such as Type I, II, III, IV and V, which are distinguished by the last digit of the catalog number (1/2/3/4/5). Different types of probes can be used individually or mixed with other types for multiplex co-staining in the same section. However, in principle, probes of the same type cannot be used at the same time, because they will be dyed with the same color and cannot be distinguished. The difference between the different types of probes is that the recognition sequences attached to the primers can be recognized by different amplification systems. The catalog number of a PinpoRNA probe typically consists of the following parts (#####N-&T). "#####" is the generic gene ID of the target gene. "N" is a number, and different numbers represent different detection sequences covered. "&" is the letter for species information, A for human (Homo sapiens), B for mouse (Mus musculus), C for rat (Rattus norvegicus), D for other species. "T" is the number 1/2/3/4/5, which represents the type of probe. You may search in “catalog probe” to retrieve probe specific information. The probes are shipped in two packages, the first is a ready-to-use version that can be used dropwise (heat to dissolve the precipitate and mix well before use). The second is the concentrated version (typically 40x), which does not require heat but must be diluted with a ready-to-use probe and mixed for multicolor detection, or diluted with a probe dilution (PGR1007) without any probes for single-color detection.
Manual detection kits
The manual detection kit is suitable for low-throughput detection in ordinary laboratories, which is economical and practical to save reagents, and is suitable for optimizing some experimental conditions. Manual testing must also be used to verify the assay result before using automated instruments for high-throughput testing.
Automation kits
The automation assay kits can be used with a variety of automatic in-situ hybridizers to achieve high-throughput rapid detection, please consult technical support for details.
fluorescent assay kit
Chromogenic assay kit
adjuvant pathology testing kits
We have developed and validated a serial of potential diagnostic targets that can be used in companion diagnostics. The assay protocol are identical to PinpoRNA chromogenic or fluorescent assay kits. The kit packaging size is suitable for automation instruments. According to customer requirements, the test target or packaging volume can be customized and developed, or commissioned production. Please contact us for details.
Assay kit only for cell type
The detection technology of cell-specific detection reagents is to use fluorescent molecules for direct labeling, so there are fewer experimental steps and faster to get results (within 3 hours). The sensitivity can reach 1 copy/cell, which can be localized to the subcellular level and accurately quantified. The multiplex detection of up to 4 targets can be performed simultaneously. It is suitable for normal cultured cells in multi-well plates (96/384 wells) for high-throughput testing. It is suitable for high-content scanner to do photo capture and analysis, especially important for drug R&D testing of CRO/pharmaceutical and other enterprises.